Why Edmonton Making Connections

For rapper Arlo Maverick, downtown Edmonton is all about making connections.
A man facing the camera stands with his arms stretched around a giant rainbow bubble art installation.
Here are five of his top downtown spots:
A man in jeans and black tshirt sits to the right of of the frame with a square pavillion to his right.
Arlo Maverick hangs out in Churchill Square on a sunny afternoon in May.

Edmonton + mosaic = Edmosaic

Churchill Square is one of Arlo’s favourites because it’s one of the places in the city where Edmontonians from all walks of life usually meet. Especially for summer festivals, including The Works, Taste of Edmonton and the Edmonton Pride Festival

“It really allows you to see the diversity of Edmonton,” he says. “It’s like where, all of a sudden, the whole city descends upon this one area and it’s just like a mosaic, you know?”

East African Experience

Village Restaurant (10117 107 Avenue) specializes in East African cuisine. Arlo likes to drop in with friends or use it for business meetings. 

“Growing up, I always had friends who said, ‘Hey, let’s go to Earl’s, let’s go to Moxie’s,’” he recalls. 

“Let me introduce you to some food we have—and I’m not even African. I’m Jamaican, but I love African food, especially East African. So, to bring people here and allow them to try the lamb or the muskalo [beef muscles], it allows them to have an experience that is different and allows us to connect.”

A man leans against a pillar outside a restaurant.
Arlo Maverick visits one of his favourite restaurants, Village, on 107 Avenue.
A mural with a person riding a bike to the left and giant colorful balloons filled with diverse images including a tiger, train and flowers., Muralist AJA Louden painted Dream Friends Journey, which includes images of Bruce Lee and a turntable, in 2018.
Muralist AJA Louden painted Dream Friends Journey, which includes images of Bruce Lee and a turntable, in 2018.

Edmonton spirit

One of local artist AJA Louden’s murals, Dream Friends Journey (10705 103 Street) is located a few blocks from Village Restaurant. “Seeing someone like AJA, who was just a hip-hop kid and now he’s doing all these things and living off his art, I think it’s a great representation of the Edmonton spirit,” says Arlo. 

“There’s something about this city that allows us to create something out of nothing.” 

Breakdance Corner

In the ‘80s, a bunch of hip-hop fans started breakdancing on the northwest corner of 105 Street and Jasper Avenue. They called it “The Roxy,” after the name of the club in Beat Street, a 1984 film (not to be confused with Edmonton’s Roxy Theatre on 124 Street).

“They built a community in that one space,” says Arlo. “People from the south side, west end, north side would come down to practice because it was a central location. People like Darren Jordan, who is now known for producing 5 Artists 1 Love, was one of the guys. His little brother used to be able to do the windmill and take his shirt off at the same time.” 

Arlo recently shot a documentary about the corner and Edmonton’s b-boys, Untouchable Crew, for Telus Optik.


black man leans against a pillar outside a building corner.
Breakdancers practiced on the northwest corner of 105 Street and Jasper Avenue because the building overhang “protected them from the elements,” says Arlo.
A black man stands in the corner with colourful graffiti covering the walls,
One of the colourful areas inside the JANA Building.

Venture Time

Arlo sometimes uses the JANA Building (10420 103 Avenue) for creative ventures, including shooting videos, playing gigs, or organizing events for Black creators. 

“They’re so welcoming of me and my art,” he says. “A lot of times, I have wild ideas, but [JANA] is like: ‘We support you. We understand what you’re trying to do.’”

Editor’s note: the first image on this page shows Arlo Maverick posing in front of Evanescent, a temporary art installation in Churchill Square, on May 27, 2023. The display was part of Downtown Spark, a festival of art, dogs, music and more, sponsored by the Downtown Business Association.